Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bowie Gas Station

Bowie Gas Station
Originally uploaded by Scrap Arcs
Coming into Bowie headed east, this is the first sign of civilization that you see. It almost looks alive - but it isn't. In fact, I pulled in only to see a gigantic mean dog trying to jump a fence that it looked like it could handily clear. I stayed right in my car and left the property with all due haste.

It looks kind of modern. I wonder if it was open when I was in high school maybe.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


This was once Texaco. Now it's a run down sort of holding place for old, dying cars. Going down main street, there is a closed mineral store, another 3-4 old gas stations, a cool sort of old teepee (closed), a very neat old fairly recently repainted and refurbished, but now overgrown with weeds hotel, and much more.

You can tell when a small town's been bypassed by the interstate.

Welcome to Bowie, Arizona.
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Monday, October 1, 2007

From the heyday of drive-ins, another concept

The drive-in church. What the heck were they thinking? Obviously it wasn't a successful concept, because all the speaker posts have been uprooted and it's just an ordinary church now.

The online church concept hasn't really taken off either. The poor Catholics are really out of luck because there is just no way to have e-communion.

Glass and Garden Drive-in Church, Scottsdale, AZ - photo taken 9/30/07